Well, we have finally arrived in the promised land! (nobody freak out, I am totally kidding) Brad came up conference weekend and then I followed a few days later with the girls and (thankfully) my mom. My mom came with me for about 4 days to help with the unpacking. I don't know what we would have done without her. Everything has been so crazy these past couple of weeks that now I am finally able to process it all. I am so sad that we are not in good old AZ anymore, but feel so glad that we are doing what we think is best for our family right now. We have gone to our ward a couple of times and everyone actually seems pretty normal. (Maybe we aren't the normal ones, oh well) Easter was so much fun. Saturday morning, we went to a fun Easter party at Thanksgiving Point with McCall and Jackson and the kids. On Sunday, we had Brad's brother Scott, his wife McCall and their cute little boy Jackson as well as Brad's friend Bryant and his family over for dinner and an egg hunt. It's been so nice that some of Brad's family is up here, we don't feel so isolated. One thing that we still haven't taken care of is setting up my computer, so pictures will be coming soon.