I got tagged for this a long time ago and feel like blogging, so here it goes.....
1. I have a pretty heavy addiction to Target. I'm sure there are a lot of you out there that share this with me.
2. I still sleep with a blanket every night. It's an animal one that my grandma made for me when I was little. The weird thing is that I didn't really start sleeping with it until Jr. High, so it's still in great shape. Brad pretends to make fun of me, but I think he is secretly jealous of how much cuddle time my blanket gets.
3. I totally know the whole Fresh Prince of Bel Air rap. So sad, but true. Every once in a while it will pop into my head, so weird.
4. I've always had a fear of drowning (not of water...hard to explain). Kind of strange since I pretty much lived in the water growing up.
5. When I was little I was not a fan of my name and for some reason thought my name should be Stephanie. I don't know why I chose that name, but I would always try to get my family to call me that.
6. I married my High School sweetheart (aaahhhhhh)
7. I love to sing along to any song and constantly have a song in my head. I've always wished that I actually had a good voice to go along with that passion. One Sunday during church the ward chior got up to sing and Abbie asked why I didn't go up there to sing and Brad started dying laughing...nice.
8. In Junior High I was dead set on naming my daughter Charlie when I grew up. Jack Weyland anyone???
9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Mexican Food. Not very random, but I'm pregnant right now and my mind often wanders to food.
10. I love reading, writing, learning, teaching...all that nerdy stuff. I can't wait until I can go back to school one day and get my masters.
So sorry if you were bored to tears, but I love reading these on other people's blogs, hopefully you did too.
Velvety Stovetop Macaroni and Cheese
14 hours ago
Hey Stephanie :) I slep with a blanket everynight like that too :) And Shane gives me a hard time! And I was LAUGHING at the singing comment that Brad laughed at, I can soo picture that conversation! ha! thanks for thoes, they were great!
Jaime as long as i've known you there is always more to learn. I loved reading your blog. It was so great to see you last weekend. Hope to see you and Brad again soon!
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