Monday, November 23, 2009

New Moon--pics not suitable for non-Twilight fans eyes!


Loved the movie! I unfortunately was trying to get over a cold that night, so took some DayQuil and was a little drugged I think, because I can't remember some parts of the movie. So, can't wait to see it again!

I am a true Team Edward member and have never wavered until Thursday night. This movie does a really good job of making you fall in love with Jacob (better than the book because you can actually SEE him). BUT, not enough to "change" me. My fictional heart still belongs to the vampire.


Unknown said...

I can't get passed the fact that Shark Boy grew up to be Jacob!!

Miss Fergie said...

Ya, maybe Edward until they showed his flabby, white, hairy body with a bruised gross! I'm definelty team jacob now. :)

Nat said...

Are those pictures appropriate?? Just kidding. I wish you a very happy thanksgiving. We will have fun being together. I like Jacob, but she wants Edward, so...I'll stay on Team Edward.