Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Valentine's Day

Hope everyone had a Happy Heart Day. Our girls had fun getting Valentine treats, and eating chocolate chip pink heart pancakes for breakfast.

Lucy enjoying her chocolates. Her messy face sure goes great with her crazy bed head.

Brad thinks it is so hilarious to pull Lucy's pants up super high after he changes her diaper. It's pretty funny, and super ugly. The sunglasses are a nice touch.
--Sidenote--We finally ditched the pacifier last week. Or, as Lucy liked to call it, her "Boppy".
She had a rough couple of days but now she is doing great. I don't know who mourned the loss of the Boppy harder, me or her.

Heart-shaped pink chocolate chip pancakes

That night, Brad cooked dinner and made heart-shaped pizzas. So cute and they actually turned out super yummy. He's a pretty great valentine.

The girls wanted to have a "fancy" dinner. Notice the chocolate milk in goblets.

1 comment:

katie and co. said...

The heart shaped pizza is awesome! What a cute idea!