Thursday, February 4, 2010

Merry Christmas in February!

I'm finally posting about Christmas 2009. We had a lot of fun at Christmas with family and friends. These are just the highlights from Christmas Eve and Day. Every Christmas Eve, Eddie the Elf brings us pajamas. Scott (Brad's brother), McCall and their kids Jackson and Clara were also staying at Brad's mom's for Christmas. It was a full house and this kids LOVED it. Here is the p.j. madness.
Knock at the door....who could it be?

Lucy and Clara were both loving being just in their diapers. They were so cute together.

Eddie always writes the kids a note about what they have been up to that year. They love hearing what he has to say and what messages Santa wants them to know.

Let's just say that Lucy wanted to stay naked. She was SO MAD that we were putting pajamas on her. Of course, the one night that pajamas mattered. Doesn't she know we're creating memories?
Christmas Morning!

Lucy with her new car and shoes. She was only interested in her car if Clara wanted to sit on it. Otherwise, she was obsessed with Lillie's new jeep.

Abbie checking out her stash

B-Rad on the video

Nana Lisa with Abbie and Lillie

I know that she's not wearing any pants in this picture. Her diaper leaked that night (of course, while she's wearing her new Christmas PJ's). So we had to take them off and I put her in different pajamas halfway through presents, so she had an "outfit change"

Clara and Lucy...the candy monsters. These two can down some serious amounts of candy!
Jackson the superhero

The whole family. We had to take the picture here because our lovely Lucy wouldn't get out of the jeep.
Can't you just hear her saying "Weeeee" in this picture

Sunday Christmas outfits


Nat said...

Beautiful Christmas pictures! I felt like I was there with you! I love how the girls' matching dresses turned out. They look so cute. I also really like the pictures Jenna took of your family. She is really talented. Those are real treasures! Good job on updating your blog. Love you, your awesome sister, Natalie

Elisha said...

What a great Christmas! Your girls are so darling....sounds like you guys have fun traditions!! We loved the Christmas card!!

Diana said...

Cute pictures -- even in February!!

Aly G said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! Hadley loved looking to see what Abbie got! The christmas dresses are darling! Cute girlies!