Thursday, April 29, 2010

Good News and Good News

So, the good news is that Lucy's toe is going to LIVE! Hooray! It's a tough little toe and she hopefully gets her stitches out on Monday. Thanks for everyone who was so sweet and helpful.
The other good news is that we got the first picture of our little peanut. It always makes it more real to hear the heartbeat and see the little jelly bean swimming around. Now, I just need to quit puking and everything will be great.

For the illiterate ultrasound readers out there: profile pic, head is on the left


Aly G said...

Oh Congrats!!!! I was thinking it was about your time again!:) Get feeling better! It is so hard those first few or more months! Congrats!:)

Shauna said...

Congrats! That's awesome!

Ferran Family said...

Oh my gosh! Congrats!!! That is so exciting! How are you guys?

Buckland Family said...

Congratulations!! Hopefully it's a boy. Let me know if the book worked ;) ;) When is your due date?? I'm really excited for you guys. Are you moving back here soon?

Michelle said...

Yay!!! and Yay!!!

Diana said...

Hooray! I'm so excited for you guys. Wonderful news! But sad news about Lucy's little toe. Poor baby girl. I hope she gets feeling better soon. And I'm sorry you are feeling sick from the pregnancy. Hopefully that will adios soon. Congrats again!

TamaraLove said...

Yay for the toe! and ... Conrgats on the new little love. (: Yes, the first few months were always a bit challenging for me too! Here's to the magic week when the puking stops!