This is how a little conversation between Brad and Abbie went this morning.....
Abbie: "Dad, what's this called on your head again?" (pointing to his forehead)
Brad: "That's my forehead"
Abbie: "What's a forehead good for, anyway?"
Brad: "It's just part of your head"
Abbie: "But, what is it good for? Why is it there?"
Brad: "It holds our brain inside of our head."
Abbie: (In her best "duh Dad" tone) "How can it hold our brain if it doesn't have any hands?"
Brad and Jaime: Lots of laughing
Brad: "You know, just how a bowl holds your cereal in the morning, but it doesn't have any hands either."
Abbie: "But, Dad, it has a spoon."
I love kids, they make for the best conversations. The other day Abbie asked me how the baby was going to get out of my tummy. (YIKES) I just said that the doctor will take it out. Luckily, she just took that answer as good enough, for now.